The cool season has left many of us dreaming of spring, lush gardens, and the scent of roses in the air. That’s why you should take advantage of this time to perform your winter rose care, and encourage your roses to bloom plentifully this year. What kind of roses do you have? The type of…

Spring is just around the corner, and for rose enthusiasts, that means your planning sessions are now in full bloom. As you prepare your garden for a busy growing season, you’re probably considering an addition of one or more new varieties of roses. We don’t blame you; roses can be addictive! As you continue planning,…

We don’t tend to think of winter as peak gardening time. But there are actually plenty of tasks you should be performing at this time, in order to ensure a healthy and thriving garden this summer. The following six tips will help you rejuvenate your rose garden now, so that you’ll enjoy plenty of beautiful…

Your roses will be in full bloom this summer, offering luscious scents and beautiful blooms for you to enjoy. But since many roses can be a bit picky, follow these tips to properly care for them during the hot summer months. Watering is essential. Roses can suffer in hot, dry weather, so ensure that you’re…

New Rose Varieties for 2019 Roses have long been a favorite flower of gardeners, due to their large, impressive blooms and incredible scent. Horticulturalists, also, enjoy experimenting with hybrid varieties, always seeking to create hardier plants, new colors, interesting scents, and more. If you’re a rose enthusiast, it might interest you to learn some of…

There’s nothing quite like a bouquet of roses, whether you’re presenting someone with a romantic gift or simply want to enjoy them in your home. Creating a rose bouquet involves much more than simply gathering a bunch of blooms! There are a few secrets to creating the perfect bouquet. First, we tend to be partial…

Rose bushes provide a beautiful accent to your landscaping, and you will enjoy their lovely aroma throughout the blooming seasons. Some gardeners enjoy cutting roses and bringing them indoors to create floral arrangements throughout the home, while others press the blooms and use them in craft projects. But there’s another terrific way to use your…

Many homeowners find themselves annoyed by bees, worried about possible complications from stings. But in reality, bees generally don’t seek out people to sting, and will mostly leave you alone so long as you aren’t interfering with their nests. Wasps and hornets are much more aggressive!

We often choose plants for our gardens based on their visual appeal. Maybe you’re seeking a particular color of bloom, or you want something that blooms at a particular time of year. Visual aesthetics are certainly one of the most important aspects in planning landscaping projects, but they aren’t the only consideration! If you also…

As a gardener, your work as an artist is never really “done.” Landscapes evolve as our tastes and interest change, and you continue to reap the enjoyment of learning about and nurturing new varieties of plants. This year we have several new varieties of roses in our nursery that we’re excited to share with you….
Much as people do, plants like to share their space with other plants that help them thrive. As gardeners, we reap the benefits of companion planting when we choose plants that help to ward off pests, improve the soil, or have other benefits to our overall landscaping.

You probably hate to say goodbye to your beautiful rose blooms over the winter, but allowing your bushes to take a nap is a really important part of the cycle of life. Take care of your rose bushes over the winter, and you can ensure healthy plants and plenty of lovely blooms when warm weather…

In most home gardens, roses bloom and provide the most color during the spring and fall months. But during the hot summer months of June, July, and August, rose bushes often do not look their best. Colors may be less vibrant, and blooms may be smaller due to lower petal count. It’s important to provide…

As the old adage says, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Most of us associate this advice with our own health, but it applies to the health of your garden as well! When it comes to growing roses, research and planning goes a long way toward warding off common problems.

Rose bushes have always been popular with gardeners due to their large, beautiful blooms, but some varieties are not without their share of work. Some traditional roses can be prone to a few common challenges. When left untreated, the spread of powdery mildew, rust, and black spot can damage a rose bush and undo all…

For gardeners who love the the large, fragrant blooms of old garden roses, but appreciate the repeat flowering of modern roses, the David Austin English rose may be a perfect blend of both types. These roses have been cross-bred to bring the feel of an English garden to the yard, while taking advantage of modern…

On the heels of our previous discussion on how to prune roses, this week we are going to look at how to prune specific types of roses.

You may have questions and concerns regarding the annual maintenance required to keep your roses looking healthy, beautiful, and happy. Ideally, the months of January and February in frost-prone areas, are the best time to prune your roses. And, believe it or not, there is a great deal of controversy focusing on the manner in…