Last week, we discussed some more traditional grass options for lawns. But we also have other options for groundcover, that you shouldn’t overlook just because they’re less common. In fact, many landowners are using Kurapia these days, and it’s growing in popularity due to its suitability to our climate in California. A low-water option. One…

If you’re dreaming of a lush, grassy lawn, you will probably read a lot about Bermuda and Fescue grasses. Both types of grass are commonly used as turf on well-traveled areas, from front lawns to soccer fields and even golf courses. But as with any plant, careful research is required so that you choose the…

Do you dream of a lush, flowering garden… but you’ve been cursed by a black thumb? Don’t worry; no one is permanently “cursed” this way! There’s nothing about you that actually causes flowers to wilt in your mere presence. Gardening is a skill that you can learn. Follow these steps to turn your black thumb…

Last week, we gave our readers some advice on setting up safe play spaces in the backyard, but some of you are reaching the other end of the swing set days. Your kids have outgrown the equipment, and the swing set is just sitting there collecting dust and pollen. Now that it’s time to remove…