insects are our friends
Insects. Bugs. Creepy crawlies. Whatever you call them, you might feel anything from indifference to loathing. Most people don’t like insects very much. But these tiny creatures are your friend and they actually play important roles in our ecosystem. Many of them really don’t deserve all the hate they receive. Check out the following examples to see what we mean.

Ladybugs. Organic gardeners actually attract ladybugs to their yards on purpose, because they help to control pests such as aphids and mites. Since ladybugs eat both insects pests and pollen, attracting them means you might need to add the type of pollens they prefer. They tend to be attracted to flat, white or yellow flowers, which can be found on the following plants: sweet alyssum, yarrow, calendula, cilantro, marigold, dill, and chives, just to name a few.

Ladybugs aren’t the only insect that preys on common garden pests. You might also wish to attract (or purchase) green lacewings braconid wasps, ground beetles, or aphid midges. These can keep pests under control so that you don’t need to use chemicals on your plants.

Grasshoppers. No one wants to attract more grasshoppers to their garden, since they can do major damage to crops. On the other hand, we definitely wouldn’t want to eradicate them entirely. Grasshoppers play a vital role in fertilizing soil, and they are a primary food source for many other animals such as birds and lizards. If you spot them in your garden, there is no need to reach for the insecticides just yet. One rule is that you shouldn’t worry unless you spot more than about eight grasshoppers per square yard of crop area.

Bees. Without bees, our fruits and vegetables would likely be unable to pollinate, and we would find it difficult to grow many crops. In fact, many ecologists have expressed significant worries about our future food supply due to the dwindling bee population. Luckily, backyard bee keeping has grown in popularity as a hobby, and efforts are boosting the number of bees in the wild as well. Plant flowers in your garden to attract bees, and avoid the use of insecticides when you can. Check out our blog on bees to learn more about these fascinating insects.

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