foxglove flower

For nature enthusiasts, a visit from hummingbirds can feel like a special occasion. They will prefer your yard, and be more likely to visit on a regular basis if you provide them with an abundance of their favorite food in a hummingbird garden. Of course, water, nesting sites, and perches are important too. They tend to prefer areas that offer a mix of tall trees and shrubs (likely as a means of protection) along with the foods they enjoy, so keep that in mind.


Choose a spot near a large window or porch. You want to observe your little visitors, so plant your hummingbird garden near a good vantage point.

Use what you have. If you already have a trellis or window box, these make the perfect spot to start your garden.


Provide water. Somewhere near your hummingbird garden, offer your visitors a drink of water. You can use a fountain, birdbath, or even just a large, shallow dish recessed into the ground. They do tend to prefer moving water if you can provide it.

Plant Choice:

Choose plants that attract hummingbirds. This might seem obvious, but it’s the most important part of planning a hummingbird garden. Since you aren’t trying to import hummingbirds from foreign countries, you want to plant the foods that our native hummingbirds prefer. Many varieties of flowers have been cultivated for their size, color, scent, and shape, but don’t actually produce the abundance of nectar that will attract hummingbirds.

Native plants are best, and hummingbirds tend to prefer red blooms. Orange and pink are also acceptable, but the birds will often ignore white or yellow flowers. Tubular-shaped blooms are often preferred. Remember that a large quantity of nectar is most important. We suggest: Petunias, Lilies, Red-hot pokers, Sage, Verbena, Summer Phlox, Daylilies, Coral bells, Foxglove, Lupine, Butterfly bushes, Impatiens, and Pincushion flower, among others.

Come visit our nursery, and we’ll help you decide which types of flowers work best for your garden space while providing the blooms and nectar that hummingbirds prefer.

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