Landscape pathway made of interlocking concrete pavers

Forgetting to plan a pathway is one of the most common, and surprisingly obvious, landscaping mistakes that we see. It’s typical for property owners to focus on various features in their yards, whether swimming pools, patios, gazebos, or garden spaces, and completely forget to connect them in some way. Sure, you could just walk across the grass, but as we all know that leads to unsightly downtrodden bare spots in the yard.

So, the answer is often a pathway. Not only will a pathway help you avoid unattractive “high traffic” patches in your yard; it can become a thing of beauty itself.

Before building a path, some common considerations include:

• How much traffic do you expect? Is this a casual, meandering garden path, or a way for your kids and their dozen neighborhood friends to traipse back and forth to the pool?

• What type of material is best suited to your needs? Do you need durable concrete? Would pebbles or stepping stones suffice?

• What are your aesthetic needs? Concrete doesn’t have to be plain and ugly. We can color it, stamp it, or mix in aggregate that create a visually stunning masterpiece.

• How wide should the walkway be? A simple meandering garden path can be narrow, but you will probably need a wider path leading to a swimming pool or play area.

• How much maintenance are you ready to perform? Some walkway options are more prone to weed invasions and other problems.

• Do you need lighting? If so, what kind?

• Do you want to landscape along the path, and what kind of border materials should you use to keep the pathway free of debris?

These are just some of the more common questions to get you started. As you plan your project, give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer your questions about landscaping, materials, and more. With a little forethought, a walkway can be a lot more than just way to get from Point A to Point B. It can add beauty and enjoyment to your outdoor space for years to come.

Forgetting to plan a walkway is one of the most common, and surprisingly obvious, landscaping mistakes that we see. It’s typical for property owners to focus on various features in their yards, whether swimming pools, patios, gazebos, or garden spaces, and completely forget to connect them in some way. Sure, you could just walk across the grass, but as we all know that leads to unsightly downtrodden bare spots in the yard.

So, the answer is often a pathway. Not only will a walkway help you avoid unattractive “high traffic” patches in your yard; it can become a thing of beauty itself.

Before building a path, some common considerations include:

• How much traffic do you expect? Is this a casual, meandering garden path, or a way for your kids and their dozen neighborhood friends to traipse back and forth to the pool?

• What type of material is best suited to your needs? Do you need durable concrete? Would pebbles or stepping stones suffice?

• What are your aesthetic needs? Concrete doesn’t have to be plain and ugly. We can color it, stamp it, or mix in aggregate that create a visually stunning masterpiece.

• How wide should the walkway be? A simple meandering garden path can be narrow, but you will probably need a wider path leading to a swimming pool or play area.

• How much maintenance are you ready to perform? Some walkway options are more prone to weed invasions and other problems.

• Do you need lighting? If so, what kind?

• Do you want to landscape along the path, and what kind of border materials should you use to keep the walkway free of debris?

These are just some of the more common questions to get you started. As you plan your project, give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer your questions about landscaping, materials, and more. With a little forethought, a pathway can be a lot more than just way to get from Point A to Point B. It can add beauty and enjoyment to your outdoor space for years to come.

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