When you think of spending time outdoors, you might envision hiking, swimming, and outdoor sports. Maybe you picture the kids playing on a swing set, or yourself digging in your vegetable garden. All of these activities focus on action and exercise. While these are important (and healthy) concepts, without a doubt, there are other ways…

We can all remember a time in which front yards were strictly dedicated to curb appeal, with all the action happening in backyards. Driving through most urban and suburban neighborhoods, you almost wouldn’t guess that actual people lived in many of those homes! Rows of houses appeared like movie sets, with the entire family gone…

During both World Wars, homeowners across the US and other countries planted “victory gardens”. The idea was to grow more food close to home, in order to free up food supplies for the war effort. For many, that habit stuck. Millennials grew up hearing their grandparents talk about gardening, and for a long time, it…

During times of rapid societal changes, we tend to see those effects spill over into design as well. In 2020 we’ve noticed quite a few exciting new trends, including the practice of “rewilding” our yards. Rewilding is pretty much what it sounds like, but perhaps more organized than you might imagine. In the past, urban…