Forest fire prevention landscaping

If you’ve suffered through a fire, replacing your home is probably top of mind. But your landscape has suffered, too, and will likely need some rejuvenation. Here’s what you need to know about repairing your landscape after a wildfire or house fire. Consider erosion control. If your landscape has been devastated by fire, you might…

Locally grown pumpkins in the fall on a truck.

Visiting a nearby pumpkin patch has become a fall tradition for many families. But wouldn’t it be fun to grow your own? All you need is a little garden space, and you can grow your own pumpkin patch to enjoy next autumn! Consider varieties carefully. There are over 100 different varieties of pumpkins, and you…

Senior couple potting plants outside.

We all hope to enjoy a landscape that complements our homes, adds curb appeal, and provides for our outdoor living needs But as we get older, we confront other considerations. It’s common to renovate the inside of homes in order to accommodate age and disability, but what about the outside? Yes, in fact, this is…

Grapes growing on a vine.

Do you ever dream of living in a vineyard? Or perhaps you just enjoy learning to grow new foods. If grapes are next on your list of gardening skills to explore, check out the following guide to get started. Build a support structure. Grape vines need support as they grow, so your first task is…

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