We’ve all heard at least one amusing anecdote about poison oak. Your friend’s brother’s neighbor’s cousin went camping, used the bathroom in an unfortunate spot in the woods, and earned himself an itchy rash in an unfortunate place. These stories can make for a bit of entertainment, until you’re the one suffering from an itchy,…

Insects. Bugs. Creepy crawlies. Whatever you call them, you might feel anything from indifference to loathing. Most people don’t like insects very much. But these tiny creatures are your friend and they actually play important roles in our ecosystem. Many of them really don’t deserve all the hate they receive. Check out the following examples…

We always say that putting together a detailed plan is the first step to a successful landscaping project, but those plans don’t come out of thin air, do they? First you need inspiration. You need to know exactly what you want to accomplish, before you can measure, draw up a plan, consult with experts, or…

Forgetting to plan a pathway is one of the most common, and surprisingly obvious, landscaping mistakes that we see. It’s typical for property owners to focus on various features in their yards, whether swimming pools, patios, gazebos, or garden spaces, and completely forget to connect them in some way. Sure, you could just walk across…