Imagine relaxing on your porch or patio, admiring the beautiful blooms and sensuous scents of your garden… at night! Yes, there are plenty of flowers that bloom only at night, offering you the chance to create a unique landscape that even night owls will enjoy. Typically, we think of flowers blooming during the day, but…

Now that your grapes and berries are ripe and ready to pick, what can you do with them? Sure, a handful of sweet, juicy berries makes a great summer treat, but it can get old after a while. Try these ideas to include your homegrown crops into meals, snacks, and drinks. Infuse your water. We…

You might be wondering what an article on bees is doing on a landscaping blog. The reason is simple: Bees are a key part of our ecosystem, and are critical to the health and beauty of both flower and vegetable gardens. When you first think of bees, you might be picturing a flying, stinging insect…

How is your summer going? If you’re like a lot of people lately, you might be frustrated by high water bills, tired of watering your lawn, and maybe a bit sick of mowing it, too. What if we told you that you could address all of those problems with one simple step, by replacing your…