As spring arrives, you probably want to inspect your plants and begin making plans for your warm weather garden. If you notice something going wrong with your camellias at this time, it’s likely to be a fungal disease called camellia dieback. The fungus G. cingulata infects camellias via pruning wounds, grafts, or leaf scars. After…

The dinosaurs might have died out millions of years ago, but many of the plants alive during that time still survive today! Some are the sole surviving species of their genus or family, and remain virtually unchanged from prehistoric times. Current conservation efforts aim to preserve these species for many years to come. Moss. Believe…

Easter is soon to arrive, and spring will be in full swing along with it! You probably want to enjoy a little outdoor time with your family on this day, even if larger gatherings are cancelled at this time. The following ideas can get your yard looking its best in time for Easter weekend. Refresh…

If you’ve ever visited botanical gardens, or even Disneyland, you might have marveled at the beauty of topiaries. They do add a whimsical, striking effect to your landscape, and learning to make them yourself can be fun (plus help you save money). Basically, there are two ways to make topiaries: You can construct them from…