Any time you begin a landscaping project, one of your first considerations should be whether your desired trees or flowers are appropriate for your intended use of them. Poor placement can sometimes be remedied by moving the plant, but there isn’t a lot you can do about your climate. Therefore, it’s extremely important to choose…

You may think of fall and winter as slow times for landscaping work, and prefer to do most of your gardening in the spring and summer when you can reap the rewards of beautiful flowering plants. If you find your cool-season landscape to be dull and uninspiring, you might be happy to learn there are…

If your citrus trees seem less than vigorous lately, you should check them for signs of cottony cushion scale. This pest can cause serious damage to your trees. Luckily the problem is easy to spot, and nature often provides a very effective remedy for the problem.
Lawnmowers and other power tools make landscaping tasks much easier and more time-efficient. But it’s important to remember that these tools can be dangerous when used incorrectly. Follow these landscaping safety tips to prevent injuries and keep your family safe.