If your lawn is suffering due to this historic drought, you aren’t alone. Homeowners throughout Southern California are worried about their lawns, as grass tends to suffer when it is not watered regularly. We’re all reorganizing our priorities, and making new choices for our landscaping. Some homeowners are installing drip irrigation systems, while others are…

Many homeowners find themselves annoyed by bees, worried about possible complications from stings. But in reality, bees generally don’t seek out people to sting, and will mostly leave you alone so long as you aren’t interfering with their nests. Wasps and hornets are much more aggressive!

We often choose plants for our gardens based on their visual appeal. Maybe you’re seeking a particular color of bloom, or you want something that blooms at a particular time of year. Visual aesthetics are certainly one of the most important aspects in planning landscaping projects, but they aren’t the only consideration! If you also…

If you enjoy watching birds, you don’t necessarily need to travel across the country in search of them. With a little effort, you can attract many species to your own backyard, where you can enjoy the natural ambiance of their songs. To attract birds, you must think like a bird. Why would a bird choose…