We tend to focus on the appearance of our gardens; after all, they definitely add curb appeal and beauty to our homes. But you can also engage your other senses outdoors. When you choose the right plants for your garden, you will enjoy a pleasing bouquet of scents throughout spring, summer, and even fall. Follow these steps to create a fragrant garden that is beautiful to both your eyes and your nose.

Choose your scents. Common fragrant plants include: lilacs, roses, gardenias, honeysuckle, hostas, alyssum, dianthus, and citrus trees, among others. White and pastel flowers tend to be the most fragrant.

Pay attention to the strength of your plants’ scents. Some fragrant plants produce such a strong smell that you wouldn’t want to include too many of them in your garden. One example of this type of plant would be night-blooming jasmine. On the other hand, some lovely scents are barely noticeable unless you plant many of them (such as alyssum).

Balance your garden according to blooming times. Different flowers bloom at different times of the year. If you want to maintain a fragrant garden for most of the year, choose a variety of flowers or trees that bloom and produce scents at various times of year. This can also help prevent the fragrance from becoming too overpowering.

Enjoy your garden at the right time of day. Some blooms only release their scents at certain times of the day. Use this information to choose your blooms accordingly so that you can maximize your enjoyment.

Avoid pesticides and chemical fertilizers. When possible, avoid the use of chemicals that detract from the natural aroma of your plants.

Consider mood-altering plants. Some plant scents are known for their ability to alter our moods. For example, lavender and citrus are energizing, while roses and geraniums calm us.

Water your plants at the roots. Overhead watering can interfere with the release of nectar, and your blooms won’t exude nearly as much scent. Water your plants at the roots instead. Using a drip irrigation system is your best bet, because it delivers the right amount of water at the roots and prevents waste.

Consider different types of containers. Hanging pots, window boxes, or flower pots on shelves or tabletops can be used to elevate shorter plants. Doing this puts the blooms closer to “nose level” where you will appreciate them much more.

Place your aromatic plants appropriately. If the breeze tends to blow in a certain direction, consider this when placing your plants. You might wish to direct their scent to a patio or porch, for example.

Stop by our nursery to give our blooms a sniff test! The best way to choose fragrant plants for your garden is to experience them first hand, so that you can choose the scents that please you. We will also be happy to provide expert advice, so that you can create the garden of your dreams.

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