Garlic is definitely one of those “love it or hate it” foods. Occasionally you will meet someone who claims to hate garlic. They’re either very paranoid about their breath, or secretly a vampire (just kidding!) As for the rest of us, we know that garlic is delicious, and an absolute essential in a well-stocked kitchen….

Roses have always held a special place in the garden; however, you aren’t born knowing the best places and spaces to plant Roses. Are you interested in learning how to incorporate roses in your landscape? If so, check out this video for some helpful how to’s!

We have faced an intense drought over the past year, and officials continue to urge us to save water. If you have already installed a water-saving irrigation system, you’re ahead of the game. You’re helping the environment while also saving money on water bills. Of course, as with any home improvement, you should regularly monitor…

Since prehistoric times, humans and even animals have naturally gravitated toward medicinal plants. It’s as if we instinctively knew where to look for the healing we need! Even today, many pharmaceutical medications are derived from plants. But you don’t need to rely on medications from the drug store, particularly for common mild ailments. Many healing…