Whether you’re planning your yard or revamping an existing one, it’s a good idea to drive around and see which types of landscape designs appeal to you. You want an outdoor space that suits your needs, whether you plan to use the yard for recreation, relaxation, socializing, or even growing an edible garden. But beyond practicality, you also need to get an idea of how different landscape designs appeal to you aesthetically.

As you take a look around at other homes or commercial businesses, you’re going to notice something: Landscape designers almost always group several different plants together. Why are these groupings so essential to design? There are a few reasons.

Aesthetics. Variety is much more appealing to the eye than, say, rows and rows of the same thing.

Plant height. If you plant just one type of flower in a bed, you’re going to achieve a relatively “flat” appearance. Plants of varying heights make the design much more interesting. Plus, landscape designers will often group plants of varying heights together, because a shorter, shade-loving plant can benefit from the presence of a taller, sun-loving plant next to it.

Blooming times. You’ve probably noticed that all your neighbors’ azaleas are blooming at a particular time in the spring. Then, a month or two later, something else is providing beautiful flowers. When you group several plants that bloom at different times, you can ensure that something in your yard is always blooming or providing bright foliage.

A little “insurance”. Occasionally, a plant can just fail to thrive. Maybe a pest has invaded the area, or your yard just didn’t provide well for that particular species’ needs. If you planted 50 of the same thing, you’re looking at a dead garden now! But if you varied your plantings, it won’t matter so much if one particular plant just didn’t work out. Your yard still looks okay, and you can replace the failed plants with something else.

For more advice on your landscape design, give us a call. We can help you decide which plants will grow well together, provide years of enjoyment, and add to your home’s curb appeal.

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