Rumor has it the real estate market will be picking up in 2014, what with home prices rising and more people gaining approval for mortgages. If you’ve been waiting for prices to go up so that you can turn a profit, now might be the time to get your home on the market.

Before you call your real estate agent, it’s probably a good idea to take a look around your home and assess repairs or upgrades it might need. It’s also a good idea to keep the competition in mind. Look around your neighborhood and check out the asking prices of similar homes. Keep in mind that since curb appeal is a huge factor in selling a house, your neighbor down the street with the nicer yard might steal all of your prospective buyers. With many sellers upgrading their homes with professional landscaping, you face the choice of competing with them or accepting a lower price on your home.

Landscaping is one of the best investments you can make to improve your selling power. Not only does it enhance your curb appeal; it also improves the functionality of your outdoor space. When potential buyers tour your home, a nicely landscaped yard will give them visions of children playing and friends enjoying a barbecue.

The following are some of the ways landscaping helps you sell your home:

  • Increases curb appeal of your home
  • Attracts potential buyers who happen to drive through your neighborhood
  • Reduces the time your home spends on the market
  • Increases property value, according to
  • Creates a bidding war between several interested buyers, and gets you a higher price

According to The American Society of Landscape Architects, an investment in professional landscaping can increase your home’s value up to 20 percent! If you do decide to improve your home’s outdoor space, remember to protect your investment by consulting with a licensed, insured landscaping company. We have a great deal of experience in preparing homes for sale. Give us a call, and we’ll be happy to help you create a plan for a beautiful, more valuable home.

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