The Perfect Crops for a Winter Greenhouse Fall has arrived, and winter is on the way. That means no more delicious homegrown, organic veggies, right? Not so fast! Even if you’ve cleaned and covered your garden beds for the cool months, plenty of delicious food crops can be still grown in a winter greenhouse. The…

Nothing in the garden says “summer” quite like growing sunflowers. Most gardeners grow sunflowers purely for their cheerful, decorative appeal, but they do have additional purposes. The large, bright blooms will draw pollinators to your garden, which can be important if you also grow vegetable crops. You can also harvest the nutritious seeds, roast them,…

One of the biggest trends in the garden world involves growing your own food, for the benefits of freshness and safety. Your efforts can also cut your grocery costs. But of course, with every new undertaking there is a learning curve. You might already know the basics of storing the fruits and vegetables, but what…

The flexitarian trend has taken over, combining what many believe to be the “best of both worlds” regarding both vegetarian diets and “flexible” (or omnivorous) diets. You’ve probably heard that vegetarians enjoy a myriad of health benefits linked to their plant-based diets, such as a lower risk of various diseases, lower weights, and even better…

Growing your own food at home offers wonderful benefits. You save money at the grocery store and the produce is so much fresher (and more delicious). If eating organic or making home remedies is important to you, the only true way to ensure your plants are “clean” is to grow it yourself! Of course, tending…

Backyard gardens once fell out of fashion toward the middle of last century, probably due to the mass availability of supermarket fare. However, home-grown fruits and veggies are now enjoying a much-deserved resurgence in popularity. Amateur gardeners have discovered that food grown in their own backyards tastes fresher. It is also more affordable than supermarket…

Nothing quite says farm to table like a fresh, delicious salad right from your own garden! The taste of supermarket salads just can’t compare, because the produce at your local store has often been packed, shipped, and stored for a week or more after it was picked. Once you’ve enjoyed a salad made with tomatoes…

Do you wish you could grow your own fruit, but you think it’s not possible in your small yard? Or perhaps you’ve always dreamed of owning an orchard, but that seems out of reach at the moment. Learning about espaliered fruit trees might come as a happy surprise. Many people have never heard of espalier,…

As New Year’s Day rapidly approaches, most of us are thinking about our resolutions for 2018. For some reason, we often set goals regarding food. Either we want to eat healthier fare, or we’re trying to shed post-holiday pounds. Some of us simply want to become better cooks, so that we can create meals that…

Gardening could become a bit boring if we never tried new plants in our yards. Plus, with many varieties carrying so many benefits, learning about new plants can enrich our lives. That’s why we make an effort to introduce you to new plant species periodically. This month, we’re shining the spotlight on Lemongrass. Lemongrass carries…

Who doesn’t love a frosty cold mug of beer on a hot summer day? If you’re enjoying the craft beer craze, you might be curious about brewing your own beer at home. There are many ways to do this, most people buy their hops and start from there, but if you want to get really…

Now that summer has arrived, you might be looking forward to months of delicious homegrown veggies. But of course, you have to get those veggies to grow first, and hot, dry weather can pose a challenge to those of us with backyard gardens. Specifically, you might be wondering how often you need to water your…

Talk to any foodie or experienced cook about their favorite herbs, and basil is sure to receive an honorable mention. Basil is highly versatile, adding a delicious flavor to an enormous variety of dishes. But one reason basil is so useful is that there are so many different types of it! You might be planning…

More and more people are growing their own food at home, due to concerns over food safety and freshness. Plus, growing vegetable crops is a fun and valuable skill to learn! However, growing vegetable crops can also be overwhelming for the beginner. What if you invest time and energy into a crop that doesn’t produce…

Commercial plant growers have always used greenhouses because they needed a controlled and protected environment to raise flowers and food crops. This allowed them to continue production year-round, no matter the weather or region. Recently, though, you might have noticed small greenhouses popping up in your neighbors’ backyards. You might be wondering why so many…

Who doesn’t love a refreshing cocktail after a long day at work? For some people, a sipping a favorite cocktail while lounging on the porch is a great way to unwind. For others, experimenting and creating new cocktail recipes is practically an art form! For amateur mixologists, pricey herbs can be an obstacle to the…

Have you made a salad lately? Most likely, you pulled a container of week-old greens from your refrigerator, added a few more vegetables, some dressing, and perhaps nuts or cheese. A salad can be a healthy, well-balanced, and delicious meal. But many people say they feel bored with salads, that it’s difficult to keep greens…

Now that spring has arrived, you might be ready to begin work on your backyard vegetable garden. The time to plant is just after the last frost date, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. Once that date has passed, it is safe to start your veggie garden – although some people choose to start their baby…

Fruit trees provide delicious food for your family during part of the year, but they do require year-round care. That doesn’t mean caring for your fruit trees has to be difficult! Once you have established young fruit trees in your yard, they are quite easy to maintain.

In recent years, we’ve seen a refreshing surge of people eager to grow their own food. It’s a great way to put your landscape to use for your family, and you can ensure that your food is organic and locally sourced. But there’s more to growing food than putting in a few tomato or strawberry…

Amateur gardeners often look forward to spring and summer, since those seasons are commonly associated with fresh fruits and veggies. But you can actually enjoy delicious produce from your own garden in the winter as well. The trick is knowing which veggies will thrive in cooler weather, and making sure you provide the right environment…

If your citrus trees seem less than vigorous lately, you should check them for signs of cottony cushion scale. This pest can cause serious damage to your trees. Luckily the problem is easy to spot, and nature often provides a very effective remedy for the problem.
Fruit trees are intertwined into California’s history. Settlers from Spain brought seeds for the Spanish sweet orange, and quickly discovered that the climate is ideal for growing other types of fruit as well. During the gold rush, oranges sold for a dollar each in San Francisco (no small sum of money back then!).

Spring is here, and the tulips are blooming! Flower gardens are beautiful to look at, but for the practical-minded among you, a vegetable garden might hold more appeal. Not only can you grow something you’ll actually use in your home, but you’ll save money on groceries and promote healthier eating habits for your family as…

Most of us think of landscaping as a way to make our homes look nice, but landscaping can be functional as well. When it comes to edible gardens, form and function can balance one another in a wonderful new way. Not only does your yard look nice, but you also have a fresh supply of…