Commercial plant growers have always used greenhouses because they needed a controlled and protected environment to raise flowers and food crops. This allowed them to continue production year-round, no matter the weather or region.

Recently, though, you might have noticed small greenhouses popping up in your neighbors’ backyards. You might be wondering why so many people have developed a sudden interest in greenhouses. You might even be considering one of your own.

Do you need a greenhouse? For the home gardener, a greenhouse serves two basic purposes. It will allow you to protect your plants from intruders like rabbits, birds, and other pests. Plus, a greenhouse gives you more control over growing conditions. You can extend the growing season by avoiding cooler temperatures, and you can retain more moisture in a dry climate.

Aside from those two practical reasons, backyard greenhouses are becoming more common because more people are growing their own food. If you’re concerned about pesticide use, freshness, and quality control, a greenhouse can allow you to grow more of your own food at home.

How to use your greenhouse. Depending upon your exact needs, a greenhouse can serve the following functions:

• Extend the growing season, so that you can grow cool or warm-weather crops for longer
• Grow crops year-round if you choose an insulated or heated greenhouse
• Start seedlings to be transplanted outdoors later – the greenhouse protects them from the elements until they’re large and hardy enough to be moved
• A greater success rate – a controlled environment means more of your plants will thrive

Greenhouse options. Since greenhouses can serve a variety of purposes, it makes sense that you have many different purchasing options. A smaller greenhouse is ideal for starting seedlings to be move outdoors later, whereas a larger greenhouse can be used to grow full-sized plants. You can also choose from “hot house” greenhouses, warm greenhouses, and cool greenhouses, depending upon your temperature needs.

Ventilation and insulation are the two main considerations for choosing a greenhouse. You want the structure to remain warm enough in the winter, yet avoid overheating in the summer. For this reason, greenhouses are available in a wide variety of materials, and you can add features based upon your needs.

Since a greenhouse is a significant investment, don’t just order the least expensive one you see online. First analyze your needs, and ask yourself how you will be using the greenhouse. Then, give us a call and we can help you choose a structure that will perform as needed.

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