You’ve created a lovely landscape in your yard, and you look forward to years of enjoyment. And of course, you will be spending some time outdoors maintaining that landscape as well. If your lawn includes any slopes or hills, you might find yourself wearing a path up and down that area, as you lug equipment…

Does the country life appeal to you? Perhaps you enjoy nostalgic memories of visiting your grandparents’ farm, or you dream of a peaceful, rural lifestyle. Whether you’re actually living in the country, or just want to imbue that type of ambiance in your own yard, a farmhouse landscape might be the right design theme for…

Your backyard can serve a variety of purposes, from hosting play dates for children to entertaining your friends with cocktails and barbecue. However, many of us need outdoor time that is soothing and peaceful. You can accomplish more than one goal in your backyard, of course, but setting aside a “sacred space” is ideal for…

Last week, we blogged about the lush, overflowing abundance of Victorian landscapes. If that style seems too ornate or just somehow “too much” for you, perhaps a modern landscape is more your style. Contrary to what you might think, a modern landscape is not necessarily all about straight lines or minimalism. It doesn’t mean you…