If you’ve ever observed lenten roses – or hellebores, as they are also called – you might have reached the conclusion that these lovely flowers are a delicate and fussy species. After all, their exotic appearance certainly gives off that impression! In reality, lenten roses are hardy (even in colder climates), easy to grow, almost…
Here in Southern California, we don’t experience a harsh winter, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to transition your garden into the cooler months. In fact, because our winters are so mild, now is the perfect time to try some new cooler-season plantings and to continue enjoying your garden. A gardener’s November checklist is…
Each Halloween, hordes of ghosts, goblins, monsters, and other creatures come knocking at your door. Many people choose to welcome their trick-or-treaters with a few jack-o-lanterns, themed decorations, or fall blooms on the front porch. If sprucing up the garden and front steps are your thing, we have one more idea for you: How about…