Homes located by major roadways or intersections can experience annoying sound levels that disrupt relaxation or time with family. Check out this video to learn about using landscaping to block road noise.

Fruit trees provide delicious food for your family during part of the year, but they do require year-round care. That doesn’t mean caring for your fruit trees has to be difficult! Once you have established young fruit trees in your yard, they are quite easy to maintain.

Poinsettias are most commonly associated with Christmas, but most will thrive long after the holidays are over. That leaves you with a dilemma: Should you throw out a perfectly healthy, attractive plant, or keep it around to enjoy again next year?

In recent years, we’ve seen a refreshing surge of people eager to grow their own food. It’s a great way to put your landscape to use for your family, and you can ensure that your food is organic and locally sourced. But there’s more to growing food than putting in a few tomato or strawberry…