During the hottest part of summer, trees tend to provide welcome shade – but that’s about it. Spring, and the glorious flowering of ornamental trees that we associate with the season, is long over. Many of us miss the color and drama provided by flowering trees once summer is in full swing.
Good news! Several species of ornamental trees actually flower during the summer. Some of the trees we carry in our nursery – such as Chitalpa, Catalpa, Crape Myrtle, Magnolia, and Palo Verde – will spruce up your landscaping and continue to provide summer color for years to come. These trees are well suited to our climate, so your selection will be based mostly on size and color preference. Come visit us and we’ll be happy to help you select the right summer color trees for your landscaping.
As always, there are several factors to consider before planting your summer color trees:
Location. Since you’re planting these trees for ornamental reasons, you probably have several spots in mind where you want to add color to your landscaping. But make sure you aren’t planting your new trees too close to sidewalks, driveways, patios, sewer lines, or your home’s foundation. We’ll be happy to consult with you on tree size and location to be sure the roots of your new addition don’t disturb existing structures.
Planting. Dig your hole at least 2 times the size of the tree’s root ball. Backfill the hole into roots are covered, but don’t pack down the soil with your feet.
Watering. Let water from your garden hose settle the soil, rather than stamping it down with your feet. Soak the planting area well until backfill just covers the top of the root ball. Remember to mulch around your new trees so that water is retained, and water regularly and deeply at the roots.
Pruning. A newly transplanted tree doesn’t need much pruning, other than trimming out any dead or diseased limbs. After the summer is over and the blooms are spent, feel free to prune the tree as needed. It is always best to prune right after flowering so you don’t accidentally cut off next year’s flowers by mistake.
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