Growing your own food at home offers wonderful benefits. You save money at the grocery store and the produce is so much fresher (and more delicious). If eating organic or making home remedies is important to you, the only true way to ensure your plants are “clean” is to grow it yourself!
Of course, tending a large garden can be time-consuming, and you might not be interested in such a complicated hobby. Yet, the idea of growing a few edible plants still appeals to you… So, if you can only grow a few plants, the question becomes which are the most beneficial to grow at home?
Rosemary. This herb is easy to grow, versatile, and won’t require a lot of room. Just one rosemary bush will save you money each time you would otherwise purchase a four-dollar sprig of the herb at the grocery store. The flowers are a lovely shade of blue and the scented foliage helps to repel unwanted critters from your garden. If rosemary doesn’t appeal to you, choose your favorite and most-used herb (perhaps basil) and grow that one instead.
Lemon tree. Almost anyone can grow a small lemon tree, either in their yard or simply in a large pot on the patio. The fruits are long-lasting and can be used for a variety of purposes (seasoning chicken or fish, as an ingredient in salad dressings, as a flavoring in tea or other beverages, and so on). Both Meyer Lemon and ‘traditional lemons’ make excellent garden additions.
Chives. Chives are just ridiculously easy to grow, and they’re pretty, too! The purple-pink flowers are as edible as the plants’ leaves. Any time you need chives for a salad, baked potato, or another dish, simply snip off the amount that you need. This perennial herb will last for years to come and is available for eating year-round.
Aloe. Aloe plants grow easily in pots, both indoors and out. It also just happens to be one of the best and easiest home remedies for minor burns and other injuries; just snip off a bit of the plant, and apply the “juice” to your wound. For this reason, Aloe is one of the most beneficial plants to keep around. It is a very low water and maintenance garden addition.
The above plants are all easy to grow, and can be used for a variety of purposes. But if they don’t appeal to you, choose a few of your favorite and most often-used herbs or medicinal plants. It’s more important to grow something you will actually use! Then, come visit our nursery, and we’ll help you decide which plants will grow well, considering the amount of room and time you can spare.
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