Drip irrigation is a convenient and effective way to keep your landscaping hydrated properly. Unfortunately, there are a few myths floating around out there, such as:
Since it’s underground, you can’t tell if it’s working. This is a common fear, possibly because it’s human nature to worry about things we can’t actually see with our own eyes. However, even your system is underground and therefore “invisible,” you can definitely see the results! All you have to do is check the ground. If it’s too wet or too dry, then your system needs adjustment. It’s that simple.
Drip irrigation requires more water, which increases your utility bill. Drip irrigation delivers water slowly, directly to the root system for better absorption. It might seem as if it’s running longer than you would use the sprinkler or a hose, but it’s because of the slower rate of water release. In fact, delivering the water underground actually prevents water waste because you don’t have a large amount of run-off like you would with an aboveground system.
Root intrusion is a big problem and can ruin your system. New sub service drip irrigation systems were developed with this very problem in mind. State-of-the-art physical and chemical barriers block root intrusion and protect your system from damage. The newest technology available now allows us to offer drip irrigation for grass as well using this underground drip.
You can’t install drip irrigation in an area that is already planted. It is indeed easier to install drip irrigation during the initial planting of the landscape. However, that does not mean it’s impossible to install a system in an established yard. It is a bit more time intensive but we can even install drip irrigation on a long-planted hillside.
Drip irrigation is shallow watering, and results in shallow roots. Actually, the opposite is true. Plants do need a deep root system in order to survive. Watering from overhead, as with sprinklers or a garden hose, encourages shallow roots. Drip irrigation waters more deeply into the soil, encourages a deeper root system, and results in healthier plants.
Hopefully, the above information has helped to clarify the facts about drip irrigation. Given our increasingly present drought conditions (Link to blog), it is increasingly more important to water efficiently. If you’re interested in a low-maintenance, healthier way to water your landscaping, please give us a call and we’ll be happy to arrange a consultation.
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