Green grass

How is your summer going? If you’re like a lot of people lately, you might be frustrated by high water bills, tired of watering your lawn, and maybe a bit sick of mowing it, too. What if we told you that you could address all of those problems with one simple step, by replacing your lawn with low-water landscaping? Even better, what if you could get paid to do so?

Through Metropolitan Water District’s Turf Replacement Program, you could receive a rebate when you replace your lawn with drought resistant, California friendly landscaping. The rebates are available to both residential and commercial customers, at a rate of two dollars per square foot (capped at $10,000 for residential and $50,000 for commercial projects).

Before beginning their projects, property owners must apply to reserve rebate funds. Then you must complete your renovation, including removal of your lawn and installation of your new landscaping, within 180 days. Then you will simply submit a request for your rebate, up to the above described limits.

Each turf replacement project should adhere to guidelines, and will include:

A stormwater retention feature
Permeable hardscape only (no other hardscape)
Replacement or modification of overhead spray sprinklers
Three plants per 100 square feet

These requirements serve to ensure that each renovation project will serve as a multi-pronged approach to water utilization and conservation. Additional rebates might be available for certain devices such as soil moisture sensors, weather based irrigation controllers, rotating nozzles, and rain barrels or cisterns.

For more information, visit the SoCal Water Smart page . And be sure to give us a call to consult on your new low-water landscaping project. We’re familiar with the rebate program requirements, and can help you design and install a money-saving new landscape.

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