When visiting Disney theme parks, many of us tend to focus on rides, food, and shows. But the atmosphere of Disney parks is always present in the background, and is what makes any Disney experience truly magical. As you walk through different areas of each park, you will notice that designers dedicated themselves to creating an immersive experience.
While most of us don’t have a Disney-sized budget, we can still bring that level of imagination to our own backyards by applying these lessons from Disney’s landscape designers.
Choose the right plants. There’s a world of flora out there, and we aren’t limited to the ones that happen to be native to our region. As you design your landscaping project, consider the atmosphere you want to create and research unique plants to support that goal. For example, in the new Star Wars area of Disney World, designers chose plants that look “other-worldly”. Visitors feel transported to another planet entirely when they walk through this area of the park.
A dramatic centerpiece. All designs need a focal point. Disney often utilizes fast-growing evergreens, and then landscapers shape them into topiaries. Sphagnum moss, attached to wooden frames and then covered with vines or clumping plants, provide a quick topiary option which can be created in mere weeks.
Set the scene. Your landscape design will include much more than just plants. Various hardscape and structures can combine to create a space that is functional, but also “sets the stage” for the story you want to tell. A quaint potting shed lends an English garden atmosphere, picket fencing feels quaint and retro, lawn ornaments create a “farmhouse” vibe, and so on.
Repel destructive insects. Given the incredible amount of money invested into Disney’s landscaping, it won’t surprise you to learn that park engineers crafted detailed pest control regimens. In addition to insecticides, landscape teams deploy millions of beneficial insects annually in order to combat those which pose a threat to the intricate gardens.
Maintenance is key. Disney park operators dedicate themselves to maintaining the magic for visitors. That’s why their maintenance teams come out early in the morning, before each park opens, to complete scheduled tasks. The result is pristine landscapes that feel effortless. You probably don’t want to wake up at 4 am on a regular basis to maintain your yard, but you should stick to a planned schedule to keep everything in top notch condition.
Irrigation is essential. About 2,000 miles of piping and 65,000 sprinkler heads keep the landscapes of Disney World properly irrigated. Luckily, even private homeowners can employ high-tech irrigation systems. Program your system with a “smart” timer, and you won’t have to worry about watering the lawn again.
If you’re feeling inspired to create your own backyard escape, give us a call to discuss your ideas. We can help you utilize high-tech and imaginative design ideas, scaled down to homeowner-friendly spaces and budgets.