If you’re looking for ideas for unique gifts, you’ve come to the right place. Plants can serve as the gift that keeps on giving, for many seasons or even years. With a little forethought and creativity, your offering will be the star of each round of Dirty Santa at this year’s holiday parties.
How about a fruit tree? Many fruit trees are available in dwarf versions, that grow to about five feet tall and can be kept in large pots. Dwarf orange, lemon, lime, avocado, or even peach trees are easy to care for, and can be moved indoors during cooler weather. They make lovely home decor, as any plant does, but will also give the gift of fresh fruit in time.
Create a succulent garden. Choose an appropriate container, plant a small succulent garden, and offer it as a beautiful centerpiece.
Or how about an air garden? With minimal investment, you can fill a hanging planter with one more more tillandsia (air plants). This is the perfect gift for the novice plant owner, because air plants require very little in the way of care.
Don’t forget bonsai trees! A bonsai tree in an attractive container makes beautiful decor for any room of the home, and can become an interesting hobby as well.
If you’re feeling ambitious, try moss art. These projects can be a bit more challenging, but the results are worth it. Wall hangings containing a variety of moss add a “zen” touch to homes, and are the perfect gift for that eclectic friend who seems to have one of everything. They probably don’t have one of these!
Perhaps a terrarium. A terrarium filled with a unique plant or two makes a great gift for an office coworker, who might appreciate the calming addition to their desk or cubicle.
And of course, there’s always the poinsettia. The tried-and-true poinsettia is always a welcome addition to holiday decor, and can be planted outdoors when the season is over. If you want to be creative with this seasonal staple, try one of the newer speckled varieties, or a pink, purple, or salmon-colored hue.
Did you come up with a unique way to utilize plants in your holiday decor or gifts? We’d love to hear about it! Send us your pictures and they might serve as inspiration for upcoming blogs.