Easter is soon to arrive, and spring will be in full swing along with it! You probably want to enjoy a little outdoor time with your family on this day, even if larger gatherings are cancelled at this time. The following ideas can get your yard looking its best in time for Easter weekend.
Refresh flower beds. As the seasons change, your flower beds might be looking a bit tired. Clean out dead or dying flowers, freshen up the soil with some compost and fertilizer, and plant new bulbs or seedlings. Separate daylilies if needed, and put down some fresh mulch in beds that need it.
Move potted plants outdoors. If you haven’t already, now is the time to move any cold-sensitive plants back outside. Fertilize those that need feeding, so that new spring growth will begin peeking through soon.
Create a fairy garden. If you’re looking for a fun project for the kids, a fairy garden can become an ongoing project that everyone enjoys. Add miniature houses, rocks, toadstools, small wading pools, and other features to an existing garden space (it will give you a fun place to hide Easter eggs, too).
Create an Easter tree. Hang brightly colored plastic eggs from a tree or shrubs. If you want to get even more creative, search Pinterest for crafty Easter-themed ornaments that you can make with supplies you already have on hand.
Get your vegetable beds ready. If you’re planning to plant a vegetable garden this year, now is the time to clean out raised beds, till your soil, and pull out any weeds that have accumulated over the dormant season. Mix some compost and fertilizer (such as manure) into the soil so that your veggies will be well fed throughout the summer.
Install a new feature. Spring is the perfect time for new projects, like adding a row of hedges or installing a water feature. Just one new focal point will add curb appeal and make your yard feel brand new. Give us a call about any new installations you’re considering, and we can help you design just the right project for your yard.