Topiaries. Perhaps due to the extra time we all spent around the house during the pandemic, hobbies such as topiary design have grown in popularity. We’ve also seen a shift toward more organic shapes within topiary enthusiast circles.

Water gardens and other water features. What did everyone do while spending more time at home in the past year? Many sought to reduce stress and increase tranquility within their environments. The addition of ponds, water gardens, fountains, and other water features became one of the central modes of accomplishing this goal.

Outdoor entertaining spaces. More time at home can leave room for hobbies, but can also get lonely. Over the past year and a half, interest in home entertaining has surged. Landscape design now incorporates more patios, outdoor kitchens, pool decks, and other features that accommodate for social gatherings in the backyard. Front yard patios have enjoyed a resurgence, too, as they allow for greater connection with neighbors.

More vegetable and herb gardens. Home vegetable gardens and interest in local, organic food have been hot topics for the past several years. We see no signs of these trends slowing, especially in light of rising grocery prices. More homeowners will be converting part of their landscapes to vegetable and herb gardens.

Kid-friendly gardens. The rise of homeschooling or distance learning, combined with renewed interest in outdoor hobbies, has produced new kid-friendly themes within home gardening. Creative parents are planting simple flower gardens for the kids to manage, incorporating “fairy gardens” into the landscape, or dedicating portions of veggie gardens for children to learn about food production.

“Wild” gardens. Those who enjoy the look of a more “natural” landscape, yet crave a semblance of structure, are drawn to wild gardens. Dedicate a space for wildflowers, allow them to grow mostly untamed within boundaries, and you can achieve a low-maintenance garden with high visual impact.

Do any of these trends spark your interest? Remember we’re available to consult on new landscape design ideas. Call us to investigate the above trends, and we can help you incorporate fads while maintaining a landscape that stands the test of time.

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