Do you wish for a garden full of lush greenery, but don’t have the space? Perhaps you live in an apartment or small home without a yard. Or maybe you have a fully landscaped yard but still want some space to tinker. Whatever your reason, a succulent container garden can be a great substitute for…

getting creative with concrete

One of the easiest, and most cost-effective materials for many home improvement projects is concrete. And yet, when you hear the word “concrete,” many people picture a plain gray slab that detracts more from its surroundings than it adds. Did you know there are many different ways of using concrete that can create unique, one-of-a-kind…

There’s no doubt that water features add a feeling of tranquility to your landscaping. Whether you choose a babbling waterfall or a gently trickling fountain, water features help to block unwanted noise. They’re also beautiful, soothing additions to garden spaces! But since there are several different types of water features from which to choose, you…

On February 2, our furry groundhog friend said we’re set to endure at least six more weeks of winter. If that news left you feeling deflated, keep in mind that you don’t have to settle for a dull and lifeless garden until April. There are many seasonal flowers and other plants that you can use…

You probably hate to say goodbye to your beautiful rose blooms over the winter, but allowing your bushes to take a nap is a really important part of the cycle of life. Take care of your rose bushes over the winter, and you can ensure healthy plants and plenty of lovely blooms when warm weather…

If you want to attract birds to your garden, you have to think like a bird! Birds need food, water, and shelter, so they’re attracted to environments that meet their needs. Your garden should include plant species that local birds already recognize as food and nesting sources. So choose native species of plants for your…

If winter has you dreaming of warmer weather, you may be considering the benefits of a backyard swimming pool. If you want to have your pool installed by summer, the time for planning is now! Before installing a pool, it’s always best to plan ahead for its size, shape, and surrounding landscaping.

Rabbits and squirrels are cute and fun to watch, but they become considerably less adorable when you are watching them tear up your garden. Since it’s almost impossible to simply keep these critters out of your yard without walls and specialty fencing, use a combination of the techniques below to encourage them to feast elsewhere.

A vast expanse of lush green lawn makes sense in many areas of the country, and for many budgets. But in an area like Southern California, where rainfall is a rare commodity, it doesn’t make sense for many homeowners to pursue traditional grassy landscaping. If you’re looking for an alternative to grass that will save…

As much as you “baby” your landscaping, your highest priority will always be the safety of your children or grandchildren. That’s why you want to be certain the landscaping around your backyard swing set provides a safe place for the kids to play. Since the main danger of swing sets lies in falls from the…

We’ve been getting a lot of calls about the HERO program, from concerned homeowners who want to reduce their overall energy and water usage. If you’re wondering whether the HERO program can help you, read on for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Amateur gardeners often look forward to spring and summer, since those seasons are commonly associated with fresh fruits and veggies. But you can actually enjoy delicious produce from your own garden in the winter as well. The trick is knowing which veggies will thrive in cooler weather, and making sure you provide the right environment…

Don't make this mistake with your grass

We often say that properly planning a landscaping project makes all the difference in the final results. Unfortunately, many people think that growing a lush green lawn is as simple as placing sod or spreading seeds, watering the area, and waiting. There’s actually one big mistake regarding grass that we often see, and the unfortunate…

Any time you begin a landscaping project, one of your first considerations should be whether your desired trees or flowers are appropriate for your intended use of them. Poor placement can sometimes be remedied by moving the plant, but there isn’t a lot you can do about your climate. Therefore, it’s extremely important to choose…

You may think of fall and winter as slow times for landscaping work, and prefer to do most of your gardening in the spring and summer when you can reap the rewards of beautiful flowering plants. If you find your cool-season landscape to be dull and uninspiring, you might be happy to learn there are…

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