Reading is good for your mind, and sunlight and fresh air are good for your health. Why not combine the two, and enjoy reading outdoors more often? Create a cozy reading nook outdoors, and you can disappear into your own private hideaway. But we must warn you; the whole family might love it!
The following ideas can help you create the perfect reading nook. Choose one based on the amount of work you’re willing to put into it, as well as the decorative touch it adds to your yard.
Plant a weeping tree. A weeping willow or other “weeping” variety of tree will create the perfect, natural reading environment underneath its draping branches. You can throw a blanket onto the ground or install a small bench beside the tree. The down side, of course, is the time required to grow the tree. This isn’t a project you can complete in the span of a weekend.
Purchase a ready-made nook. On the other end of the difficulty and time spectrum, you can simply purchase a ready-made nook. A number of enclosed seating options are available for purchase – some free-standing, some hanging. Choose one that suits you, with regard to its appearance and size, and simply install in your yard or on the porch. To personalize your seating a bit more, consider planting shrubs or flowers around it (taller ones add more privacy).
Build an arbor. Purchase or build an arbor, and then train a vining plant to grow up the structure. Add seating underneath, and you’ve created a cozy reading nook that also adds a beautiful focal point to your garden. This is a good option for those of you who like the idea of a weeping tree, but don’t want to wait several years.
Repurpose a used item. Browse local ads for cheap items or free giveaways that someone wants hauled off from their yard or farm. An old potting shed can be repurposed, with one or two sides removed to open it up. Add a bench seat, climbing plants, or twinkly tea lights, and you’ve created a unique shabby chic nook that reflects your personal style.
Utilize your landscaping. Look around your garden; you might already have a reading nook halfway constructed. The space between a shrub and your fence can be optimized with seating and perhaps a few more plants to add privacy. Or a hidden corner of the house might already provide a cozy spot, and all it needs is a bench and some shade. Use what you already have, and you can complete this reading nook project in a weekend.
For more ideas on how to optimize your current landscaping to get more enjoyment from your yard, give us a call. We can take a look at your current situation and offer ideas for recreational, relaxing, or social gathering spots.