When it comes to gardening, most of the “fun stuff” tends to happen during spring and summer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some time in the garden right now! In fact, planning and preparing throughout the cooler season can lead to a more productive and beautiful garden later in the year.
Build raised beds. Raised beds can offer the easiest way to control soil conditions and prevent excess weeds. If you’re hoping to expand your vegetable or flower gardens in the spring, start building raised beds now.
Hardscaping. What’s a garden without a pebble pathway or stepping stones? Complete your hardscaping projects now, so that you can enjoy more time digging in the dirt when spring rolls around.
Make newspaper plant pots. Put together newspaper plant pots now, and start your seeds in them. When you transplant your seedlings in the spring, the newspaper will break down in the garden. Planting has never been easier!
Plant bare-root strawberries. Bare-root strawberries should be planted in late winter, especially in milder climates like Southern California. This is the cheaper way to start a plot of strawberries, and getting started earlier can ensure a more bountiful crop of berries.
Build a birdhouse. Build a birdhouse now, and your feathered friends will move in by spring. If you’re lucky, you can enjoy the cheeps and chirps of new baby birds in a few months!
Plan a cool season garden. Now is the time to begin planning for lettuces, spinach, kale, carrots, parsnips, and other cool season veggies. If you time it right, you can harvest your cool season crops as you plant your warm season veggies, making maximum use of your garden space.
Organize a seed swap. Get together with friends, and trade out seeds that you won’t be using this year. This is the perfect way to obtain interesting new varieties for your garden, and to connect with like-minded hobbyists.
Plan for spring. And of course, the most important thing to do right now is plan for spring. Plants do best when their space, light, and watering needs are considered before planting. So grab a pen and paper, draw a diagram of your space, and get to work. And don’t forget that we’re here to consult with you, if you need help installing a new bed or landscaping feature.