Now that summer is winding down, it’s time to get your landscaping and garden ready for the change in seasons. Luckily, we get to enjoy an extended warm season here in Southern California, so you can actually enjoy a second growing season! But you should definitely pay attention to a few details regarding the change in seasons, and treat your lawn accordingly. These early autumn preparation tips will help.

Clear away annuals. Some of your annuals have finished blooming for the year, and can be cleared away to make room for new seasonal blooms. Potted plants that require warmer weather should be moved indoors by the end of fall.

Clean and mulch your beds. While you’re cleaning up flower beds, add a fresh layer of mulch to preserve moisture and protect any new plants that you select for the garden.

Choose new plantings. Plenty of flowers bloom later in the year, and even through winter. Now is the time to replant your beds with seasonal varieties to keep your landscaping refreshed and attractive through the cool season.

Plant spring bulbs. This is the time for planning your spring garden. Many flower bulbs like tulips and daffodils should be planted now if you want to enjoy their blooms next year.

Cut back some perennials. Once their growing season is finished, many perennials should be cut back to help them preserve energy through the winter. They will return with vigor next spring. However, this is not the time to prune shrubs, evergreens, perennials with woody stems, or those that provide winter interest.

Consider trees and shrubs. The soil is still plenty warm, and many trees and shrubs are going on sale at this time of year. Consider new trees or shrubs to compliment your existing landscaping, and get them in the ground before winter.

Continue to water your garden. Yes, many varieties of plants appear to be going dormant at this time. But their roots are still active and need water.

Monitor and adjust your care of Bermuda grass. Cut back to weekly waterings if you have Bermuda grass, and transition to monthly waterings through winter. This encourages the roots to go deeper in search of water, and will keep your lawn healthier and greener next year. Allow the grass to grow a bit taller in fall and winter, and target weeds as soon as they pop up so that you don’t have a full-blown weed problem in the spring.

If you have any questions about caring for your landscape at any time of year, remember we’re here to help you. Just give us a call and we’ll discuss a maintenance regimen that is right for your yard, or help you to evaluate changes that might be necessary.

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