We can all remember a time in which front yards were strictly dedicated to curb appeal, with all the action happening in backyards. Driving through most urban and suburban neighborhoods, you almost wouldn’t guess that actual people lived in many of those homes! Rows of houses appeared like movie sets, with the entire family gone to work or school all day.
If 2020 has brought us unhappy surprises, plenty of silver lining has been delivered along with those. As the way we live and work shifts, we’re seeing new trends trickle down into landscape design. And one of those trends is particularly surprising: Homeowners no longer prefer the perfect, manicured movie-set front lawn. Instead, a focus on community is emerging.
Now, with the family home more often, homes are not simply a place to escape the world and sleep at the end of the day. Front yards are being transformed to encourage more interaction with neighbors, with popular elements including:
Patio spaces. Rather than keeping to themselves, homeowners are feeling more eager to entertain. A front yard patio provides a place to enjoy conversation and after-dinner drinks, or wave to passing neighbors as they enjoy their nightly stroll.
Vegetable gardens. The front yard is just as good a spot for the veggies as the backyard. But out front, gardeners can benefit from interaction with neighbors as they work. And now that organic home gardening has become a trend, a vegetable garden in the front yard makes a statement about the homeowner’s values and personality.
Playspaces. Who says kids must be sequestered in the backyard? Front yard play spaces almost beg other children to join in the fun. As distance learning and homeschooling continue to rise, new opportunities for socialization become more important than ever.
The renovation of the front yard can be complicated or relatively simple; anything from the addition of a few rocking chairs to a giant portable movie screen and sound system can be accomplished. For more information on transforming your yard into a more social community space, give us a call. We will discuss your ideas and then help you turn your vision into reality.