We often say that properly planning a landscaping project makes all the difference in the final results. Unfortunately, many people think that growing a lush green lawn is as simple as placing sod or spreading seeds, watering the area, and waiting. There’s actually one big mistake regarding grass that we often see, and the unfortunate thing is that it would have been so easy to prevent!
Avoid placing grass directly against walls, fences, masonry structures, and so on. This isn’t a problem most people even consider when they plan their landscaping projects. But like most mistakes, it’s much easier to plan appropriately and avoid a big problem than to fix it later.
Grass must be watered often in order to remain healthy, so naturally, you will be watering your new lawn once you’ve planted it. One problem we often see is that wet grass up against other structures means rotted wood, rusted metal, and so on. Hard water also stains structures and leaves white spots that are difficult or impossible to remove. Wet grass retains moisture, and you’d be surprised at how destructive it can be to almost any building material. One simple planning error can result in an awful lot of damage to existing structures that are very expensive to repair!
When we plan a landscaping project involving grass, we avoid placing it right up against structures. Instead, we utilize a three-foot or larger border of plants or even gravel. Naturally, if you utilize plants, you’ll want to use a drip irrigation system not a spray system, or you’ll run into the same problem. These borders provide a “buffer zone” and keeps excess moisture away from structures which could be damaged by water.
This is one of the most common mistakes we when planning a lawn! If you have any more questions about growing grass, or landscaping projects in general, please give us a call. We’ll be happy to help with your project, and make the appropriate recommendations to protect your investment.
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