Whether you attend the games in person or watch from the comfort of your living room, you might have noticed something about Dodger Stadium and other Major League Baseball fields: They’re really lush and green.
Okay, so maybe that’s not your first thought when enjoying America’s favorite pastime. But you can’t deny it; you’ve wondered how they get their grass looking so perfect. You might even be coveting that look for your own yard.
The first thing we should tell you is that the Dodgers spend about one hundred thousand dollars, re-sodding their field every few years. But, of course, it is an enormous field. The average homeowner doesn’t quite need to go to such lengths in order to achieve a similar look for their own yard.
When it’s time to revamp their field (about every five years), the Dodgers’ maintenance crew pulls out the existing grass. Then they install a new layer of sand (about 400 tons, to be exact). On top of that, crews mix in a layer of Gypsum, to keep the soil from clumping. Then finally, 100,000 square feet of new sod tops the surface.
Now it’s time to begin seeding. And here’s the answer to your biggest question: One grass used in Dodger stadium is a Bermuda hybrid, bred in Palm Desert. The other, which is overseeded on top of the Bermuda, is rye.
Why use two different types of grass? Simply put, rye grass fares better in early spring, and then Bermuda takes over during the heat of summer. This way, you can always enjoy a lush expanse of vivid green grass.
Of course, irrigation provides the final piece of the puzzle. Dodger Stadium incorporates a state-of-the-art underground watering system that provides the field with the precise amount of rain needed for optimal health of the grass.
You’re not playing Major League Baseball on your front lawn, but you can achieve a similar look. Give us a call, and we’ll be happy to offer our advice on a professional grass installation, irrigation system, or both.