Many of us tend to think of landscaping as a rather static installation. You plant some shrubs and trees, perhaps install a flower garden, and then you simply maintain your landscaping for years to come. And yes, you can do it that way. But landscape design can be much more dynamic, incorporating the latest trends for a look that never feels boring or outdated.
In fact, nurseries are constantly developing new varieties of flowers, shrubs, and trees for both aesthetic and practical purposes.
Blueberries and cream petunia. This new variety of petunia sounds delicious, and the flowers are as pretty as their name implies. Deep purple-blue blooms are edged with true cream (not white), making a truly dramatic petunia. And best of all, these blooms appear just as bright and striking on the shady side of the plant.
Glimmer double impatiens. Sometimes gardeners can feel limited by full sun requirements. But if you’re looking for a beautiful flower that grows in partial sun or shade, consider the new mildew-resistant glimmer double impatiens. They look like tiny roses, and are available in six colors. The pale pink shade, called Appleblossom, is sure to be a hit with gardeners who enjoy classic, understated looks.
Sun dipper tomato. For you vegetable gardeners out there, here’s a fun, new little tomato variety. Sun dippers grow to about an inch long, are shaped like tiny bowling pins, and ripen to a dark orange hue. Because they’re indeterminate tomatoes, you can expect enormous plants (that must be staked) which will produce all summer long. Aside from tasting delicious, these cute little tomatoes are quite ornamental!
Moody roses. For 2023, moody colors are all the rage. And that trend is reflected in the world of roses, too. David Austin is releasing several new rose varieties that fit perfectly with the 2023 mood, including Rose Tess (a deep, passion red), Rose Juliet (a peach rose with a deep, apricot heart), and Rose Beatrice (a creamy peach rose featuring a rich, apple-almond scent).
Espalier trees. In a nod to the explosion of interest in home gardening, many nurseries are focusing extra attention on developing new varieties of fruit trees. But for those of us with smaller yards and limited room, the espalier tree can provide the perfect solution. With several varieties of fruit grafted onto one tree, you can enjoy fresh apples, pears, peaches, or plums from a single plant!
If any of the above descriptions strike your fancy, or if you’re just ready to renovate your landscape in general, give us a call. We can discuss your vision in more detail and help you plan a project that provide beauty and enjoyment for years to come.