When you think of planters, you probably picture the ones you can purchase from any home goods or garden supply store. But you can also make your own planters from “upcycled” items that you already have around the house, or that you pick up at thrift stores and garage sales.
Utilizing upcycled planters serves a variety of purposes. Obviously, you now have a planter to grow the flowers, herbs, or ferns of your choice. You’ve saved some money (sometimes a considerable amount of money, because planters can be expensive). Your garden features unique, one-of-a-kind items and has a vintage flair. And, of course, you’re re-purposing used items so that they don’t end up at the local dump. It’s a win-win-win-win situation!
So, what type of items can you use as upcycled planters? Really, anything that will hold soil can be used! Here are some ideas to get you started:
• old wine bottles or other glass bottles
• milk jugs for hanging plants
• used paint cans
• old boots
• antique wheelbarrows
• worn-out kitchen items like old pots or food containers
• used tires (paint them funky colors for a boho look)
• your kids’ discarded toys
• hanging shoe racks
• used light bulbs
• discarded furniture drawers
Your imagination is the limit!
Just remember one thing: Plants have their own needs, and some will quickly outgrow a smaller planter. So, match your planters and plants with that idea in mind. Don’t crowd them too much, or they usually won’t thrive.
And, of course, place your planters in the appropriate places on your porch or in the yard. Some plants prefer a shady environment, while others need full sun to survive.
Once you’ve chose some unique upcycled planters, come visit our nursery. We can help you select plants that grow well in containers, and review their basic water and sun needs with you.
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