As we mentioned last week, there are many different terms that people use in the landscaping industry. However, since many of these terms are used interchangeably, it’s important to understand the specific definition of these terms.
This week we are going to focus on “Landscape Designer” (with and without a degree) and “Landscape Architect.”
What is a Landscape Designer (without a degree)?
This is an individual who does not have a degree in landscape design, but most likely has on-the-job experience or training in landscape design. They usually create attractive, functional outdoor spaces for homeowners. They can generate design images and can provide landscape plans, selection of materials, and design concepts. This type of landscape designer does not do the actual construction of any projects unless they are a landscape contractor.
What is a Landscape Designer (with a degree)?
This individual is someone who does residential design projects and has a degree or has completed the Association of Professional Landscape Designer’s Program. This professional designer works to create a beautiful garden that makes the best possible use of the land that you have. They create and draw plans that show the layout of the garden, including where entertaining areas will be, where retaining walls and garden beds are located, where the grassed areas are, and where anything like water features will go. The plans will detail all of the materials needed, including stones, decking, pavers, and soil. They may also work with a landscape contractor to build the projects.
What is a Landscape Architect?
A Landscape Architect must have a professional license issued by the registration board in the state in which they are performing work. In order to become licensed, a Landscape Architect needs to have a degree in Landscape Architecture from a Landscape Architect Accrediting Board (LAAB) accredited school. They also need to have completed a 2-year post-graduation apprenticeship and have passed the extensive Landscape Architecture Registration Examination (LARE). A Landscape Architect typically works on commercial projects of large scale and most often sells plans, but does not build the projects. These may include parks, recreation facilities, institutional buildings, commercial buildings, parking lots, and habitat restoration projects. And, since they are licensed, they take responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare of the public in the work they do.
Our staff includes landscape designers (with and without degrees) as well as designers with a degree in Landscape Architecture from an LAAB accredited school. Please feel free to contact us any time to discuss your project!
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