After working so hard on your garden all summer, you’re looking forward to delicious homegrown veggies at the dinner table. The last thing you want to discover is that some critters beat you to it! If something has been nibbling in your garden, use this brief guide to determine what you’re dealing with. Aphids are…

We’ve all heard at least one amusing anecdote about poison oak. Your friend’s brother’s neighbor’s cousin went camping, used the bathroom in an unfortunate spot in the woods, and earned himself an itchy rash in an unfortunate place. These stories can make for a bit of entertainment, until you’re the one suffering from an itchy,…

Rabbits and squirrels are cute and fun to watch, but they become considerably less adorable when you are watching them tear up your garden. Since it’s almost impossible to simply keep these critters out of your yard without walls and specialty fencing, use a combination of the techniques below to encourage them to feast elsewhere.

In most cases, you will choose to combine the two methods described above. You’ll have to experiment to find out what works for your garden. Just be sure to use plants that are common in your area, so the good insects will already be looking for them.

As the warm spring and summer months descend upon us, you may begin to spot snails in your garden. The brown garden snail was originally introduced to California in the 1850s by European settlers who enthusiastically enjoyed escargot. Unfortunately, the snails adapted so well to the climate that they became a common garden pest in…

We get a lot of calls about aphids this time of year, from annoyed gardeners who spot the pests on plants such as rose bushes. Aphids generally turn up during the spring months, and are spotted in clusters on the leaves and stems of bushes. These small insects are generally less than 1/8 inch long,…

Whiteflies can definitely be a nuisance to your flowers, plants, and vegetables.